JUMP TOHire DocumentationOverviewHire WebhooksRate LimitsFrequently Asked QuestionsAPI DeprecationsHire API Use CasesCustom IntegrationsSlack IntegrationSync with your HRISConnecting a Custom FormHire Public APIApplicantsList All ApplicantsgetCreate an ApplicantpostGet Applicant InfogetUpdate Applicant InfoputDelete an ApplicantdeleteAdvance an ApplicantputBulk Advance Multiple ApplicantspostGet Transition HistorygetBulk Transition History for Multiple ApplicantspostGet Interview SessionsgetBulk Interview Sessions for Multiple ApplicantspostNotify applicantpostGet Latest ApplicantgetGet Applicant FilesgetFile Upload to S3postLink Applicant to Files in S3postLabelsList Labels for ApplicantgetUpdate Label for ApplicantputList All Labels in StagegetNotesGet Applicant NotesgetCreate Applicant NotepostDelete Applicant NotedeleteUpdate Applicant NoteputtransitionsList Archived ReasonsgetList Rejection ReasonsgetCalendar SlotsCreate Calendar SlotspostBook an Available SlotpostDelete Calendar SlotsdeleteCancel a booked slotpostList Calendar SlotsgetList Available SlotsgetData KeysList data keysgetExport ManagementList Custom Export TemplatesgetCreate Custom ExportpostDownload Custom ExportgetList all Custom Export TemplatesgetList All Timestamped Export TemplatesgetDownload Timestamped ExportgetCreate Timestamped ExportpostList Timestamped Export TemplatesgetOpenings and StagesList All OpeningsgetCreate a new openingpostRetrieve OpeninggetUpdate openingputDelete an openingdeleteList All Opening StagesgetRetrieve stagegetHiring GoalsList Hiring GoalsgetCreate a new hiring goalpostUpdate Hiring GoalputDelete a Hiring GoaldeleteLocations and Location GroupsList Location GroupsgetCreate a new Location GrouppostRetrieve Location GroupgetUpdate Location GroupputDelete a Location GroupdeleteList LocationsgetCreate a new LocationpostRetrieve LocationgetUpdate LocationputDelete a LocationdeleteOpeningsReassign Opening to Different Workflow (Alpha)postOption BankList All Option BanksgetCreate Option BankpostGet Option BankgetReplace Option BankputDelete Option BankdeleteRemove from Option BankdeleteAppend to Option BankputPositionsList PositionsgetCreate a new PositionpostRetrieve PositiongetUpdate PositionputDelete a PositiondeleteRolesList user rolesgetShiftsList shiftsgetUsersList User ActivitiesgetGet user opening accessgetchange user opening accessputCreate UserpostGet UsersgetUpdate UserputDelete UserdeletePosthire Worker ManagementList WorkersgetGet Worker InfogetUpdate A WorkerpatchActivate A WorkerpostDeactivate A WorkerpostWorkflowsList all WorkflowsgetDelete a WorkflowdeleteWorker Experience DocumentationAuthenticationWebhooks and External API CallsCustom Attribute WebhooksUniversal Tasks Webhooks (Onboard)External Processing API (Compliance)Embedding the Worker PortalPartner TasksAPI DeprecationsWorker Experience Public APIworkerscount workersgetfind one workergetpartially update one existing workerpatchdelete one workerdeletefind many workersgetcreate one or multiple workerspostpartially update many existing workerpatchdelete many workersdeleteTerminate a worker accesspostmessage one or many workerspostCreate or update a worker custom attribute valueputDelete a worker custom attributedeleteImport worker(s) with I9 profile with pre-filled datapostjobscount jobsgetfind one jobgetreplace one job which exists or notputpartially update one existing jobpatchdelete one jobdeletefind many jobsgetcreate one or multiple jobspostreplace many jobs which exists or notputpartially update many existing jobpatchdelete many jobsdeletecustomAttributescount customAttributesgetfind one customAttributegetreplace one customAttribute which exists or notputpartially update one existing customAttributepatchdelete one customAttributedeletefind many customAttributesgetcreate one or multiple customAttributespostreplace many customAttributes which exists or notputpartially update many existing customAttributepatchdelete many customAttributesdeletelocationscount locationsgetfind one locationgetreplace one location which exists or notputpartially update one existing locationpatchdelete one locationdeletefind many locationsgetcreate one or multiple locationspostreplace many locations which exists or notputpartially update many existing locationpatchdelete many locationsdeletelocationGroupscount locationGroupsgetfind one locationGroupgetreplace one locationGroup which exists or notputpartially update one existing locationGrouppatchdelete one locationGroupdeletefind many locationGroupsgetcreate one or multiple locationGroupspostreplace many locationGroups which exists or notputpartially update many existing locationGrouppatchdelete many locationGroupsdeleteemployerscount employersgetfind one employergetreplace one employer which exists or notputpartially update one existing employerpatchdelete one employerdeletefind many employersgetcreate one or multiple employerspostreplace many employers which exists or notputpartially update many existing employerpatchdelete many employersdeletebrandscount brandsgetfind one brandgetreplace one brand which exists or notputpartially update one existing brandpatchdelete one branddeletefind many brandsgetcreate one or multiple brandspostreplace many brands which exists or notputpartially update many existing brandpatchdelete many brandsdeleteget a company default brandgetcompaniescount companiesgetfind one companygetreplace one company which exists or notputpartially update one existing companypatchfind many companiesgetreplace many companies which exists or notputpartially update many existing companypatcheinscount einsgetfind one eingetreplace one ein which exists or notputpartially update one existing einpatchdelete one eindeletefind many einsgetcreate one or multiple einspostreplace many eins which exists or notputpartially update many existing einpatchdelete many einsdeleteusersRetrieve a short-lived authenticated URL for a worker's portalgetapikeyscount apikeysgetfind one apikeygetdelete one apikeydeletefind many apikeysgetdelete many apikeysdeletecreate a new API key based on caller rightspostopensignupscount opensignupsgetfind one opensignupgetpartially update one existing opensignuppatchfind many opensignupsgetcreate one or multiple opensignupspostpartially update many existing opensignuppatchstoredFilescount storedFilesgetfind one storedFilegetpartially update one existing storedFilepatchdelete one storedFiledeletefind many storedFilesgetpartially update many existing storedFilepatchdelete many storedFilesdeletecreate a file and get an upload presigned URL for an object storage in the edm bucketpostcreate a file and get an upload presigned URL for an object storage in the attachments bucketpostgenerate a signed file url to access a filegetUpload one or two files from a publicly accessible URL to our object storage. The combined file must not exceed 15MB.postsignDocscount signDocsgetfind one signDocgetfind many signDocsgetsignatureRequestsRetrieve a link or download files linked to a signatureRequest documentgetReturn the attachment of a signatureRequest as a buffergettaskFlowscount taskFlowsgetfind one taskFlowgetpartially update one existing taskFlowpatchdelete one taskFlowdeletefind many taskFlowsgetcreate one or multiple taskFlowspostpartially update many existing taskFlowpatchdelete many taskFlowsdeleteclone task flow(s)postCheck if a calendar group is used by any task flowsgetRetrieve all workers of a taskFlow with data such as completion rate of tasksgetRetrieve all information about one worker and its taskFlow completiongetRetrieve all taskFlows for a given worker with data such as completion rate of tasksgettaskscount tasksgetfind one taskgetpartially update one existing taskpatchdelete one taskdeletefind many tasksgetcreate one or multiple taskspostpartially update many existing taskpatchdelete many tasksdeleteassignedTaskscount assignedTasksgetfind one assignedTaskgetpartially update one existing assignedTaskpatchfind many assignedTasksgetpartially update many existing assignedTaskpatchtrigger the init process of a task againposttrigger the init process of a task againpostmark an assignedTask as done programmaticallyposti9Profilescount i9Profilesgetfind one i9Profilegetfind many i9ProfilesgetGet the i9 form attached to a profile submissiongetGet the i9 form attached to a profile submissiongetGet the i9 e-verify attached to a profile latest submissiongetw4Profilescount w4Profilesgetfind one w4Profilegetfind many w4Profilesgetaccept w4 submission of a profilepostGet the w4 form attached to a profile submissiongetGet the w4 documents assigned to a profilegethirePapiReject the Hire Papi Profile of an applicantpostSet rejected to `false` on the Hire Papi Profile of an applicantpostyardstikQuery Yardstik for the full list of account packages associated with the account defined by the API keygetpartnerRetrieve an assigned partner taskgetAdd a new partner event to an assigned partner taskpostparticipantscount participantsgetfind one participantgetfind many participantsgetquestionBankscount questionBanksgetfind one questionBankgetpartially update one existing questionBankpatchdelete one questionBankdeletefind many questionBanksgetcreate one or multiple questionBankspostpartially update many existing questionBankpatchdelete many questionBanksdeletesurveyscount surveysgetfind one surveygetpartially update one existing surveypatchdelete one surveydeletefind many surveysgetcreate one or multiple surveyspostpartially update many existing surveypatchdelete many surveysdeletethemescount themesgetfind one themegetpartially update one existing themepatchdelete one themedeletefind many themesgetcreate one or multiple themespostpartially update many existing themepatchdelete many themesdeletedefaultNotificationTemplatescount defaultNotificationTemplatesgetfind one defaultNotificationTemplategetpartially update one existing defaultNotificationTemplatepatchdelete one defaultNotificationTemplatedeletefind many defaultNotificationTemplatesgetcreate one or multiple defaultNotificationTemplatespostpartially update many existing defaultNotificationTemplatepatchdelete many defaultNotificationTemplatesdeletepulseSettingscount pulseSettingsgetfind one pulseSettingsgetpartially update one existing pulseSettingspatchdelete one pulseSettingsdeletefind many pulseSettingsgetcreate one or multiple pulseSettingspostpartially update many existing pulseSettingspatchdelete many pulseSettingsdeleteUpdate Positionput https://api.fountain.com/v2/positions/{id}Update an existing Position