Universal Tasks Webhooks (Onboard)

In Onboard, you can configure a webhook to be triggered whenever a worker performs an action: either they have completed a task, or they have reached the end of the flow.

This configuration can be found by adding a Universal Task with a Webhook integration, and selecting the corresponding trigger:

Once the flow is published, every time a worker reaches the trigger point for that task, a POST call is made to that endpoint, containing the following payload:

  "worker": {
    "uuid": "b897bd4d-3bd3-4e98-aa94-69cba600c679",
    "firstName": "Harry",
    "lastName": "Potter",
    "startDate": "2024-08-07",
    "email": "harry.potter+fyd9xrr@example.com",
    "customAttributes": {
      "Compliance Drivers License": {
        "url": null,
        "complianceCheckTemplateUuid": "85fb6026-be74-4fe2-9054-f806f577a852"
      "In Compliance": false,
      "Onboard completed": false
    "workerPageUrl": "http://localhost:8200/employer/workers/b897bd4d-3bd3-4e98-aa94-69cba600c679"
  "tasks": [
      "title": "Welcome to the team!",
      "uuid": "5bed4436-2ef0-4f0f-a49f-539cf7e4671a",
      "status": "completed",
      "type": "informationSharing",
      "data": {
        "inputData": [],
        "w4Profile": null,
        "i9Profile": null,
        "hirePapiProfile": null
  "flowTitle": "webhook"