Custom Attribute Webhooks

You can configure a webhook to be triggered on any custom attribute value change by visiting Settings > Worker Attributes > … > Manage Webhooks:

In the modal that opens next, click on “Add Webhook” and set the URL that needs to be triggered when that attribute changes:

When an attribute value of any worker changes, the corresponding webhook will be triggered. The following payload will be sent in a HTTP POST request with a Content-Type of application/json. The endpoint must respond with a success code within a maximum of 3 seconds.

    "webhookUuid": "36ea7dc3-2378-4769-a749-54387dea22c6",
    "companyUuid": "b69527e2-cf03-45e4-b667-48db36133391",
    "trigger": {
        "type": "customAttribute",
        "resourceIdentifier": "583ff255-459d-47b5-9f9f-b3a300c22c02"
    "action": "update",
    "timestamp": "2024-07-28T13:06:11.443Z",
    "workerUuid": "3b8d5848-c96a-4639-ac7d-132fe36a43f0",
    "previousState": {
        "customAttributeUuid": "583ff255-459d-47b5-9f9f-b3a300c22c02",
        "customAttribute": {
            "label": "test",
            "dataType": "string",
            "key": "test",
            "uuid": "583ff255-459d-47b5-9f9f-b3a300c22c02"
        "value": "before"
    "newState": {
        "customAttributeUuid": "583ff255-459d-47b5-9f9f-b3a300c22c02",
        "customAttribute": {
            "label": "test",
            "dataType": "string",
            "key": "test",
            "uuid": "583ff255-459d-47b5-9f9f-b3a300c22c02"
        "value": "after"